2.12 (749.70 ha Index 83)
They are non-rocky mountain ranges with undulating and strongly undulating relief, with outcrops generally less than 5% and variable slopes between 5 and 15%. The soils are Haplic and Typical Subeutric Brunosols, sandy loams and loams, sometimes sandy gravelly loams, superficial and moderately deep, (Regosols and medium shallow Brown Prairies). Associated with these are Subeutric Melanic Lithosols, sandy-loamy-gravelous, sometimes very superficial and stony, and Subeutric Luvic Brunosols (Maximum Brown Prairies), loamy or occasionally sandy-loamy, sometimes rhodic (Red Prairies). The vegetation is predominantly summer cycle prairie, sometimes with associated scrub and mountain forest, generally in the gorges and concave areas. The current use is pastoral. It occupies large areas in the Departments. of Maldonado, Lavalleja, West of Treinta y Tres and southwest of Cerro Largo. The soils in this group are part of the Sierra de Polanco unit of the 1:1.000.000 (DSF) scale chart.
2.11b (1.31 ha Index 26)
They are rocky mountain ranges with a strongly undulating landscape and slopes greater than 20%. In the first case, it exists in discontinuous patches, correlated with intrusive granites, where the percentage of rockiness reaches between 10 and 40% of the area with exposed rock. The dominant soils are Subeutric Melanic Lithosols, gravelly sandy, sometimes stony and very superficial; with rocky outcrops and Haplic Subeutric Brunosols, sandy gravelly loam and gravelly loam, superficial, stony (Regosols). They may present mountainous mountains. In the second case, the landscape is broken with slopes greater than 15% that can reach values of 30 to 40%, being characteristic of the hills belonging to the Sierra de Aigua and the broken landscapes existing south of the city of Minas, observable by Route 60. Mostly this situation is correlated to lithologies corresponding to the group Lavalleja and undifferentiated metamorphic rocks. In general, in the association of soils, the superficial ones predominate (District Subeutric Lithosols), existing in the concavities and gorges, deep soils, of colluvial origin that normally contain high-density mountain forest. The use is pastoral and the vegetation is grassland with a predominance of summer species, with associated weeds (Baccharis trimera, etc.). This group integrates the Santa Clara and Sierra de Aigua units of the chart at a scale of 1:1.000.000 (DSF).